Information on the Minecraft Preview and Beta:
- Beta Version: | Preview Version:
- While the version numbers between Preview and Beta are different, there is no difference in game content
- These work-in-progress versions can be unstable and may not be representative of final version quality
- Minecraft Preview is available on Xbox, Windows 10/11, and iOS devices. More information can be found at
- The beta is available on Xbox, Windows 10/11, and Android (Google Play). To join or leave the beta, see for detailed instructions
Here’s a list of what is new in this week’s Beta! As always, please search and report any bugs you may find at and send us your feedback.
Features and Bug Fixes
- Added new music for The Wild Update
- Frogs now use all hurt sounds (MCPE-152629)
- Froglights now have the correct breaking sound (MCPE-153943)
Ancient Cities
- Soul Lanterns no longer generate on air blocks in Ancient Cities (MCPE-153586)
- The City Center structure now forms a complete rectangle of Reinforced Deepslate (MCPE-153567)
- Added Echo Shards to the Ancient City loot chests
- Updated Ancient City structures to match Java
- Warden now has a Sonic Boom attack that deals ranged damage and knockback to the target it strikes
- Warden no longer “sniffs” while it has a target
- Prevent the Warden from digging down if it sniffs a target
- Warden can now be pushed by other mobs
- Warden now gets angry at all mobs that bump into it (MCPE-153839)
- Fixed a crash when swapping between game modes when attacking the Warden
- Warden now gives correct amount of XP (MCPE-153564)
- Allay interact tooltip now says “Give item to Allay” (MCPE-153035)
- Wither can’t destroy Reinforced Deepslate anymore (MCPE-153542)
- Ender Dragon can’t destroy Reinforced Deepslate anymore (MCPE-153545)
- Reinforced Deepslate has been moved to the Nature tab in Creative Inventory (MCPE-153543)
Mud Brick Block
- Mud Brick Stairs/Slabs/Walls are now grouped properly (MCPE-153719)
- Fixed game crash when using the Material Reducer (Education Edition feature)
- Fixed Light Blocks being destroyable from within while underwater (MCPE-148393)
- Fixed issue with experience gained when taking item from incorrect slot while using Furnace (MCPE-152227)
- Allow Mangrove Roots and Propagules to be compostable (MCPE-153782, MCPE-153912)
- Allow most plants and saplings to be placeable on Mud and Muddy Mangrove Roots. This includes all Flowers, Saplings, Bamboo, Sugar Canes, Big Dripleaf, and Sweet Berry Bushes (MCPE-153916)
- Allow Mangrove Roots to generate through Snow Layers (MCPE-153913)
- Tadpoles can now be tempted with Slimeballs
Touch Control Settings
- Static Joystick toggle no longer gets disabled upon Move Joystick toggles getting disabled (MCPE-153201)
- Updated Boat and Chest Boat item icon textures to make them consistent with Java Edition (MCPE-153353)
- Illagers are now allowed to migrate to other villages and progress raids (MCPE-151310)
Technical Updates
- Fixed an issue that caused weights to not be used for Music
GameTest Framework (Experimental)
- Updated the GameTest Framework interface to add read-only scoreboard support
- World
- scoreboard : Scoreboard – Access world’s scoreboard
- Entity
- scoreboard : ScoreboardIdentity – Access the entities scoreboard identity
- Scoreboard – Object representing the scoreboard data
- getObjective(objectiveId : String) : ScoreboardObjective – Method to get a specific objective (by id)
- getObjectives : ScoreboardObjective[] – Method to get all objectives
- getParticipants : ScoreboardIdentity[] – Method to get all scoreboard identities
- ScoreboardObjective – Object representing a scoreboard objective
- id : String – (read-only) scoreboard identifier
- displayName : String – (read-only) scoreboard display name
- getParticipants : ScoreboardIdentity[] – Method to get all objective participant identities
- getScores : ScoreboardScoreInfo[] – Method to get the score info for all participants
- getScore(participant : ScoreboardIdentity) : Int – Method to get the score value of a participant
- ScoreboardIdentity – Object representing a scoreboard participant
- type : ScoreboardIdentityType – (read-only) enum representing the type of identity
- id : Int – (read-only) Unique identifier for the identity
- displayName : String – (read-only) display name for the identity
- getEntity : ScriptActor – get the ScriptActor handle associated with the identity
- ScoreboardIdentityType – Enum representing identity types : .Entity – An entity .FakePlayer – A fake identity .Player – A player
- ScoreboardScoreInfo – Score-Identity pair for an objective
- participant : ScoreboardIdentity – (read-only) The participant
- score : Int – (read-only) The score