Posted: 6 December 2023
Information on the Minecraft Preview and Beta:
- These work-in-progress versions can be unstable and may not be representative of final version quality
- Minecraft Preview is available on Xbox, Windows 10/11, and iOS devices. More information can be found at
- The beta is available on Android (Google Play). To join or leave the beta, see for detailed instructions
We have another Minecraft Beta and Preview update, with more tweaks and fixes! As always, we’d want to hear your feedback on these features, so please send us your thoughts and suggestions here and report any bugs at!
Experimental Features
Copper Door
- Updated Copper Door textures, including oxidized variations
- Copper Doors and Trapdoors have now correct breaking time and blast resistance
- Breeze ground particles now stop playing when they’re riding other entities
- Separated the Breeze diffuse and emissive textures
Features and Bug Fixes
- Containers being cloned over no longer keep their container screens open and no longer cause crashes
- Fixed a rare crash that could occur with the “Seven Seas” achievement
Character Creator
- Fixed a bug that kept the previewed item on the paper doll even after navigating back using the sidebar
- All unowned and owned emotes should now be discoverable within the emotes section of Dressing Room
User Interface
- Last highlighted button will not get pressed when the window regains focus anymore (MCPE-170377)
- The Friends drawer on the Play screen now makes sounds when opened and closed
Technical Updates
- Made the display name parameter optional in Scoreboard addObjective
- Changing the brightness_gamma value for blocks now darkens the block correctly (MCPE-167836)
- Added a “drop_item_slot” field to the “interact” component, which allows to specify an inventory slot to remove and drop items from
- Tool Test World was moved from toolrail and is now under menu World Options
- Fixed a crash that could occur when players placed or destroyed any block and then Save & Quit with Ray Tracing enabled
Stability and Performance
- Send “material” for vanilla data-driven blocks in the StartGamePacket blockProperties. “block_id” is also moved to the “vanilla_block_data” object
Experimental Technical Updates
- Added method eatItem(itemStack: ItemStack): void;.
- BlockSignComponent
- Changed signature of function setWaxed to setWaxed(waxed: boolean)
- Removed event/property pistonActivate
- Added enum BlockPistonState export enum BlockPistonState { Expanded = “Expanded”, Expanding = “Expanding”, Retracted = “Retracted”, Retracting = “Retracting” }
- Class BlockPistonComponent
- Removed property isExpanded
- Removed property isExpanding
- Removed property isRetracted
- Removed property isRetracting
- Added property readonly state: BlockPistonState
- Changed function getAttachedBlocks to return type Block[]
- Added function getAttachedBlocksLocations(): Vector3[]
- Removed class PistonActivateBeforeEvent
- Removed class PistonActivateBeforeEventSignal
- Types
- Moved BlockType from beta to 1.8.0
- Moved FluidType from beta to 1.8.0
- Moved NavigationResult from @minecraft/server to @minecraft/server-gametest
- Adjusted the falloff of point light sources (e.g., torches, lanterns, etc…) to use a square, Manhattan-based distance metric in the Deferred Technical Preview.
- Tinted ambient light color with point light color for better multi-colored lighting over large distances in the Deferred Technical Preview
- Fixed issue where ActionFormData buttons could not be clicked if there were more than 255 buttons in the form