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MCPE/Bedrock Useful Textures (Nether Update Additions)

Illustrious Member Admin

Useful Textures (Nether Update Additions)


Want to see where you are after exiting a portal? use anti-blindness! 

Need to see Enderman and wither skeletons easier?  Enable brighter mobs!

Need nether gold ore outlined, or is Blackstone too dirty?  use Improved Blocks!

There are 6 resource packs available in a combo or separated: Brighter mobs, Clear portals-and-pumpkins, crops completed identifiers, Improved Blocks, Improved Animations, Villager V3, and Still Fires. They can be downloaded all separately or as a combination of everything in one resource pack.

If you want a tweak for Ancient Debris and Netherite Blocks, let me know in the comments of what I should use


Anti-Block blindness changes the portal block and pumpkin blur. This is what the nether portal blocks look like because that’s how I removed the blindness for when traveling inside the portal. The pumpkin blur change makes it so you can still see everywhere while having Pumpkin, Carved Pumpkin, and Jack-o’-lanterns on your head. (yes, you can dispense them on yourself and other mobs, which also prevents them from burning in daylight.)



Brighter Mobs changes the Wither Boss, Wither Skeleton, Enderman, Wither skulls (both blue and black), Lead, Loyalty Trident rope, and guardian laser beam.


Crops Completed Identifiers makes the completed crops easier to spot.



Improved animations adjust these mobs: Magma cube, Bee, Arrow, Player, and Shulker Bullet. The change for the arrows makes them appear larger. This photo doesn’t show many changes but if you use the pack in-game you can see.


Improved Blocks modifies some Blackstone variants, Crimson Nylium, Warped Nylium, Regular obsidian, Crying obsidian (sometimes confused with “glowing obsidian”), Netherrack, Regular nether brick types, Nether Gold ore (outlined), Mob Spawner, and Cobwebs




Still Fires edit both fire textures to be transparent and shaped like a regular block, and at the same time removing the fire blindness while burning to death. This also makes the flame_atlas for other burning mobs invisible, and makes the fire not animated.


Villager V3 has the following:

 – Better connect/disconnect from workstation/bed particles

        – Green = connected or happy

        – Red = disconnected or angry

        – Particles immediately disappear after 2 seconds

 – Wandering trader sounds (they are quiet since their Idle sounds are turned off)

 – Invisible Badges (Disable to show badges)

 – wither spawning sound plays when killed by a zombie (if it doesn’t work let me know)




 - Fixed some of the descriptions

 - Added details to the new still fires option




If there are problems with using the MCADDON file on mobile apps, try using the main website

Separated: downloads all 7 resource packs separated at once (but it does bulk import, delete the ones you don't need after importing)

Combined: downloads one resource pack with everything combined into one

creator: Blue Shadow8558



Topic starter Posted : 19/06/2020 8:12 pm