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MCPE/Bedrock TheSandbox1.0 Official Release

Illustrious Member Admin

TheSandbox1.0 Official Release


Read The Following Text In Blue:

Highly Recommended to play this map in SINGLEPLAYER and on adventure mode without cheats enabled otherwise you may ruin the map. Thank You!

Sidenote: there is a enderchest in the map but it basically just has some of the blocks i used to make the map….nothing important to the gameplay itself.


Alright….so….you all know those sandbox games where you would take different elements/particles and draw with them watching them react with other and what-not…..ah yes those are my favorite types of games….


Sadly Googleplay has been plagued with .io games and idle games (not saying any of em specifically are bad)

Shame that sandbox games are now kinda looked down upon by other genres.


Well dont worry my friends for i have decided to make my own Sandbox game……In Minecraft!



So what is TheSandbox you may ask well…its basically a simulation game where you take different elements/particles and build things or watch them react with one-another

For this version we have 16 Element/Particles 

And 2 spawnable entities

List Of Elements:

Sand: an element which falls when nothings under it and can be melted into glass

Water: the basic liquid….can make iron rust and can create stone with lava

Stone: the basic solid, meltable by both lightning and lava

Fire: turns your paintbrush into a fireball which will set fire to blocks close-by and will melt sand into glassand even effect entities with wither

Glass: transparent solid, can be shattered with lightning yet wont melt with lava

Lightning: powerfull beams of light are summoned onto your brush with this element 

Wood: organic solid, flammable can have leaves grown on it with seed

Lava: molten rock, melts through most materials.

Singularity: extremly powerfull element thatll destroy any particles/elements usually within a 5-block radius and kills entities within a 7-block radius

Steam: particle which floats up creating rain as it ascends which can create water.

Ice: frozen water, easily meltable with lava and fire (currently not meltable with lightning but will be in later versions)

Iron: dense strong solid, can withstand lava better than most materials.

Gold: weak to lava but extremly resistant to lightning strikes

Oil: flammable Liquid which will soread lots of fire when ignited

Seed: special element which grows grass on dirt and leavs on wood

Dirt: extremly easy to melt with lava and lightning, can have grass grown on it


And 2 spawnable entities

Villager: peacefull humanoid thatll wander your world

Sheep: peacefull creature that eats grass


Now heres some snapshots of the map: theres more than whats shown here (plus more info in the map)

Water and Lava have semi-realistic physics in this map which even includes gravity!

So satisfying to obliterate sand with lightning.

For all your botanical needs! (more elements in the future will be added to expand on this maybe)

Ah yes singularity, for all your destructive needs!

The only real limit is your imagination!….sorta..


This is just the first version and im hoping itll get some good attention…and if it does then that definently means ill be updating it adding more features! And believe me ive got some pretty crazy ideas!

TheSandbox even has its own discord server

Heres he link for it:  

In the discord group ill be releasing sneak peaks on new bug fixes and updates and such!

Heres my youtube channel link:

Showcasing my world is completly acceptable! (Just give me credit)

Welp thats all for now! Stay tuned on future updates for TheSandbox1.0. Cant wait to see what ya guys think! 😀




For some people its a simple download and then go to minecraft but for others you may need to extract or something

To extract all you need to do is find the server with a .mcworld on it and rename it to .zip then extract it! And put the world file in MinecraftWorlds and your done!

creator: UltraDragon999


Topic starter Posted : 08/09/2020 3:13 pm