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MCPE/Bedrock Astral Client V2.1

Illustrious Member Admin

Astral Client V2.1


Astral Client is an all-in-one optimization client-resourcepack for Minecraft Bedrock Edition. It is themed with blue-purple galaxy. It offers a variety of features such as unlocked V-Sync and Max Framerate Settings, Optifine textures and more. It comes with 3 built-in packs, one with 8×8 block textures to boost your FPS to the max.

Developers: light#8318, BariPlayzYT#6609, and Bloodless#2600, and MichaelBricks#7744

If you want to suggest, report issues or get help from us, join our Discord Server,


What’s new in Astral Client V2.1?


To start it off, Astral Clients comes with:

1. Complete revamp on the Home Screen, Settings Screen and all the UI.
This is one of Astral Client’s core features. Unique and Clean user interface.






2. More organized settings and unlocked what was previously secret settings, V-Sync, Max Framerate and Debug UI.
These settings are what makes your game smooth.


3. PVP Aspects and Mods

Low-fire, Clear Water, Opaque Leaves, 2D Clouds, Short Swords, Clear Glass, Outlined Ores, Clear Redstone, Dark Mode, Less intrusive textures, Chroma outline selection, Outlined wool, Particle Multiplier, Clear Scoreboard and a whole lot more!


(No scoreboard numbers)

4. Autocomplete features on the chat for Android/iOS users. (unfortunately I am Windows 10 and I cannot take a screenshot of it but it does work.)


It also comes with 3 built-in packs as mentioned before which is:

1. Astral Client Default Edit 16×16 Short Swords

This pack is built-in and cannot be disabled.

2. Astral Client Default Edit 16×16 PvP Pack

3. Astral Client MaxFPS 8×8 Pack



Other than that, code and textures taken from  /MCBVanillaResourcePack


Welcome everyone to the Astral V2.1 Release!

This update is also known as the "Improvement Update" in which many aspects of the pack have been improved as well as the mb size of Astral.

1. A much more cleaner user interface.
2. Smooth fonts across some buttons.
3. Cleaner Scoreboards (Numbers removed)
4. A more lightweight panorama to reduce pack MB size and to significantly improve the loading of the Home Screen.
5. Reduced mb pack size by 4mb. (This is massive)
6. Brand new inventory screen, recipe book screen and creative inventory screen to match Java Edition as well as put some Astral touches.
7. Less transparency for the pause screen and inventory screen to improve performance.
8. A much more cleaner home screen.
9. Some minor improvements and changes to the Dark Mode, added a bit of that tint of blue, and now you can view the darkest of texts properly.
10. Cleaner buttons.
11. A much more simplistic slider.
12. A new 8x8 pack (By MichaelBricks) which has finally no checkered wool and it has a proper low fire now.
13. **After on high demand, the old skin UI is finally back!**
14. Added opaque leaves for faster rendering and improve performance.
15. Added scripts to optimize your user experience.
16. Added 2D clouds for faster rendering and improve performance.
17. Changed the pack icon.
18. Cleaner Redstone dust.



After installing the client-resourcepack, make sure to restart your Minecraft for everything to apply! Sometimes, the logo will glitch the first time you put on the resource pack, that only happens in some devices but to be sure, restart your Minecraft after you put on the client-resourcepack.

All download links are mediafire.



Topic starter Posted : 12/05/2020 5:27 pm