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MCPE/Bedrock Complete Wolves Overhaul

Illustrious Member Admin

Complete Wolves Overhaul


Tired of the same vanilla Minecraft wolves? Well this addon brings many new wolves to your game! Each with a unique spawn egg, spawn location, breeding mechanics, barks and some even with particles!

Wolves overhaul is an addon that features over 200 new wolves with different behaviours, textures, etc. the wolves each have their own unique spawn locations such as the end, caves, the nether, etc. 

Due to the sheer size of this addon, I will not be showcasing each individual wolf. However some of them are features in the pictures!

Breeding: Most wolves only breed with their same species, ex : beach wolf with beach. However there are some that cross-breed with others to form a unique wolf you can only get by breeding! (all the breedable wolves are found in pictures guide document below).

Sounds: Certain wolves do not bark, whilst others bark in a higher or deeper tone! 

Spawn: The wolves are compatible with other addons, and do not affect vanilla mob spawns. They will spawn in their respective biomes, etc nether wolves in the nether (full guide is in the bottom).


Particles: Some wolves have unique particles! these are small, and non laggy. 

note: when tamed, all of the wolves turn a reddish hue. This is a bug I have not found a fix for yet. Simply dye then with white dye to return them to their regular color. 


The wolves ui, behavior, and model was used from a code of an older wolf addon done by AnimusOfficial a few years ago. credit below 

 Hence, the wolves are naturally skittish, but will be attracted to bones. Each and every ore- wolf is instead tamed with their respective ore (diamond wolf tamed with diamonds only.), they will also steal your items and kill livestock.

this addon should work for mcpe, and for all versions, it was made several years ago and was working fine.

You are allowed to use this addon however you like. 


Topic starter Posted : 27/04/2023 8:01 pm