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MCPE/Bedrock Endless Biomes Addon [BETA]

Illustrious Member Admin

Endless Biomes Addon [BETA]


Wanted a world with only deserts or mushrooms, or change the world generation to swampy? This addon adds 5 new custom generated modes to use, choose from only one biome!



This addon is still in BETA phase, so many bugs might occur. Any structure will generate, and those structures can’t be removed.

Note: Turn on Creation of Custom Biomes to make it work!

Desert Biomes only:

Mesa Biomes only:

Mushroom Biomes Only:

Extreme Hills Only: (still generates trees from other biomes)

Swamp Only: (still generates trees from other biomes, but the terrain will be looks like swamp)

Addon Bugs

Since the addon is still in BETA, there are some bugs in generation. If you know how to fix it, you can tell me on Discord: TheLogicalMine#3534.

  • Any of these custom generation can still generate mesa biomes
  • In mesa and mushroom only biomes, some forests like taiga, and jungle biomes may generate as normal.

Disclaimer: Don’t upload it to your website or app without the creator’s permission!

Any suggestions? You can tell me at Discord: TheLogicalMine#3534



Topic starter Posted : 31/12/2020 10:30 am