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MCPE/Bedrock Enhanced Survival Add-on

Illustrious Member Admin

Enhanced Survival Add-on


Have you ever wanted minecraft to be more realistic? or wanted a balanced weapons or crafting addon? Well then this is the mod for you! NOTE: I will not be making thirst bars or temperature bars due to the limitations of my modding app.



You can bake carrots in a furnace or a campfire, same with beets.

You can craft baked apples like this:

There are weapons in this addon too.

You can craft a Wooden Spear like this:

then, you can upgrade it by baking it on a campfire to make it into a Hard Wooden Spear. 

You can upgrade the Hard Wooden Spear into a Stone Spear like this:

you can craft a Knife like this:


and you can craft a scythe like this:

You can also craft jerky by baking Cooked Beef in a campfire. It doesn’t work in a furnace though!

This mod also fixes a few problems in vanilla minecraft:

You can now craft a saddle like this:

(the weird thing in the middle means any wood planks)

And horse armor like this:


You can also craft a lead without slime like this:

And a Name Tag like this:

You now have to craft a furnace with a campfire now, and it overrides so you can’t craft it the old way anymore.

Blast Furnaces are now super expensive:

There are four new biomes now: Sand Dunes, Arctic Wastes, Thick Forests, and Enormous Mountains. There are also easter eggs in this addon but I won’t tell you, all I will tell you is that it has to do with bedrock.

You need to blast obsidian in a blast furnace

I have a terrible picture of this mod because I have no good screenshot yet, please excuse me.

creator: AmateurCoder3233


Topic starter Posted : 25/11/2020 8:58 pm