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MCPE/Bedrock Hardcore Minecraft (Version 2.3.3)

Illustrious Member Admin

Hardcore Minecraft (Version 2.3.3)


Do you want to play a Hardcore Minecraft with the hard core mode of Java Edition?

You're in the right place, with This new and improved version of Hardcore Minecraft, you'll have no only a hardcore game, you'll have available to activate also the Hardcore mode of Java Edition, adapted to Bedrock.

Try this add-on and configure it at your liking with the configuration menu!

New features:

This are the new features of this version:

  • Now you can choose between the Phantom or Spectator mode while you choose the hardcore mode.



You can change the Addon configuration, choosing between the 17 modes available, each one with different options, like options that can activate a hardcore mode or a less life mode or a one life mode!

Better, why not all at the same time? You can choose that too!

Just an example of 3 of the 17.


Now you can choose also if use the "Hardcore textures" or no, by default are enabled, you can modify this on the "Resource pack".

While the "Hardcore textures" are enabled, the dead screen and hearts will look like this:


(The XP bar will look like Vanilla, this XP bar is of other texture pack, not mine).

Tutorial of how to change the mode:



Phantom block:

The phantom block is a block that can be placed when you're dead, this block wil be always and automatically on your inventory when you are dead, this block is transparent, don't has resistance to the explosions, is fast-to-break and it will break itself in a range of time of 5 to 7 seconds.

(Only available on the "Phantom mode")



This Add-on adds 9 "new" monsters that can spawn when you activate a mode with "mod mobs".

All the new monsters can only spawn upon grass blocks, and has the same loot that their normal or vanilla version.

Killer Chicken:

As is name says, this is a chicken that can spawn a little with a light level of 7 to 15, and more with a light level of 0 to 6, this chicken has 4 hearts of life and will attack to the players, make 1 and half heart of damage.

Killer Sheep:

As is name says, this is a sheep that can spawn a little with a light level of 7 to 15, and more with a light level of 0 to 6, this sheep has 5 hearts of life and will attack to the players, make 1 and half heart of damage.

Killer Pig:

As is name says, this is a pig that can spawn a little with a light level of 7 to 15, and more with a light level of 0 to 6, this pig has 5 hearts of life and will attack to the players, make 1 and half heart of damage.

Killer Cow:

As is name says, this is a cow that can spawn a little with a light level of 7 to 15, and more with a light level of 0 to 6, this cow has 5 hearts of life and will attack to the players, make 1 and half heart of damage.

Day Zombie:

The day zombie is a mob that can spawn only with a light level of 7 to 15, this zombie, in difference to the normal, won't burn at the day light, this zombie has 7 and half hearts of life and makes 1 heart of damage.

Day Skeleton:

The day skeleton is a mob that can only spawn with a light level of 7 to 15, this skeleton can shoot arrows that make the same damage that a normal skeleton, and also, when they are under water or pick up a weapon, they can change to melee attack, on this form they make 1 heart of damage + the weapon damage, if they has one, they won't burn at the day light and has 7 and half hearts of life.

Day Creeper:

The day creeper is a monster that only spawn with a light level of 7 to 15, this creeper is like the vanilla version, at difference thet this one can set on fire the blocks when it explodes, this creeper has 5 hearts of life and, when is close to you, can attack you before explode, when it attack you makes 2 and half hearts of damage.

Phantom skeleton:

This skeleton will only spawn when a dead player summon it, this skeleton has 3 hearts of life and will attack to the player, but this skeleton kill itself in 7 to 15 seconds.

(Only avaible on the "Phantom mode")

Phantom zombie:

This zombie will only spawn when a dead player summon it, this zombie has 3 hearts of life and will attack to the player, but it also die after 7 to 15 seconds.

(Only avaible on the "Phantom mode")


The phantom mobs doesn't has spawn egg.


Hardcore mode:

When you activate the hardcore mode, you'll have only 1 life, then, if you die, you'll be on the Phantom or Spectator mode, according to the mode that you has selected (Phantom or Spectator mode).


Phantom mode:

On the Phantom mode, you won't be able to interact with any entity, and any entity won't see you, also your inventory will be locked and you'll has the items that you can see in the image below.


The hearts will make that their name says, here below I show you the avaible hearts:

Blue hearts:

  • Get 15 seconds of speed.
  • Get 5 seconds of levitation.
  • Teleport to a random player.
  • Teleport to the nearest player to you.

Red hearts:

  • Spawn a Phantom zombie.
  • Spawn a Phantom Skeleton.


  • This will place a Phantom block on your position.


  • The red hearts will have a cooldown for be used, the cooldown is of 7 seconds.
  • The phantom block will only be placed on your position and won't replace any block of any type.

Respawn on the Phantom mode:

When you die on the Phantom mode, you'll play as a Phantom, and now there's a command to respawn and come back to the alive player mode.

The way to respawn is executing the command "/function respawn".

Go to the phantom mode without die:

When you're alive and you want to be on the Phantom mode or put to an player on the phantom mode, you can execute the command "/function dead_function" in name of a player (example: "/execute "Li Cubito" ~ ~ ~ function dead_function" for put to the player called "Li Cubito" on the phantom mode, or simply "/function dead_function" for put yourself on the phantom mode).

Remember that you can use this command manually when you has the "Spectator mode" enabled.


When you go on the phantom mode, because a command or death, all your inventory will be replaced, so you'll lose all your items, take care when you use this command on an alive player or when you have the "keep inventory" enabled.


Respawn on the Spectator mode:

This is more simply, you'll only have to execute the command "/gamemode survival" or "/gamemode s" of all life.


Go to the Spectator mode:

This is the Vanilla Spectator mode, so, you only have to change your gamemode manually like usually "/gamemode spectator", also remember that you can use this gamemode when you has actived the "Phantom mode".




(The Beta version, the original version, the GameTest and the biome modification experiments are optional, the spectator and all other are needed).

For finishing... a little bug:

In the Armor HUD you'll only see 5 slots of armor when you activate the "half life" mode, but all the armors protect the same than originally.


If you want or do a Review of this mod, you have to put a link to the Add-on, YOU CAN'T CREATE YOUR OWN DOWNLOAD LINKS.

  • Fixed a bug with the "Phantom block" of the 1.18 Minecraft version.
  • Added the Vanilla Spectator gamemode for use on the Addon.
  • Re-accommodated the modes of the configuration menu on a better way.


Just download the "mcaddon" file and open this with minecraft, on some devices, if you launch it, this will be launched to minecraft automatically

Topic starter Posted : 10/02/2021 10:49 am