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MCPE/Bedrock Mob Disguises Add-on

Illustrious Member Admin

Mob Disguises Add-on


Have you ever thought about what it would be like to disguise yourself as monsters to scare your friends, or disguise yourself as that favorite animal of your best friend and surprise them? This add-on gives you the possibility to use dyes and derived materials to get masks of Minecraft mobs! Bringing masks to most Minecraft mobs, more precisely 51 mob masks, you can get masks from different mobs by combining dyes and some materials that are part of the mob, and all of these materials are put together with an empty mask that you can get with a simple piece of paper! Aah, also remember that you need some strings to put them on your face!

Creator: Jean Lucas, (Twitter), (Instagram)


To obtain a mob mask, you need to craft an empty mask and then customize your mask to make it the mob mask you want. All the masks are available in the creative inventory equipment category, and it's also available on the recipe book in survival game mode.

To equip any mask, right-click while holding it or just put it on the head slot in your inventory.

See the crafting recipe for all masks below and how it looks being worn on a player!

Crafting & Wearing Mob Masks

Empty Mask









Chicken Mask







Bee Mask







Cow Mask







Pig Mask








Sheep Mask








Wolf Mask








Mooshroom Mask








Brown Mooshroom Mask








Llama Mask








Pufferfish Mask








Fox Mask








Arctic Fox Mask








Creeper Mask








Enderman Mask








Skeleton Mask








Wither Skeleton Mask








Stray Mask








Slime Mask








Spider Mask








Zombie Mask








Zombified Piglin Mask








Husk Mask








Drowned Mask








Squid Mask








Cave Spider Mask








Witch Mask








Magma Cube Mask








Hoglin Mask








Piglin Mask








Zoglin Mask








Ghast Mask








Blaze Mask








Illager Mask








Vex Mask








Villager Mask








Wandering Trader Mask








Zombie Villager Mask








Iron Golem Mask








Snow Golem Mask








Updated: +12 New Mob Masks!

Glow Squid Mask








Strider Mask








Leucistic Axolotl Mask








Brown Axolotl Mask








Gold Axolotl Mask








Cyan Axolotl Mask








Blue Axolotl Mask








Warden Mask








Allay Mask








Temperate Frog Mask








Warm Frog Mask








Cold Frog Mask


  • Added +12 new mask variants of newest mobs implemented in the latest game updates!
  • The mobs added in this update are: Glow Squid, Strider, Axolotl (5 variants), Warden, Allay, Frog (3 variants).


Follow the steps to download, install and enable the add-on.

Downloading the add-on

Click on "Download Add-on" here on this page. Note: The .mcaddon is a file format with automatic installation of the pack on some devices, simply by clicking over the file to open Minecraft and install the Behavior Pack and Resource Pack automatically. But for some devices the .zip is required, and then you will be able to install manually by extracting the zip and pasting the folders in their correct directories.

Once clicking, you will be redirected to a page saying:  Just click on "Click here to continue" to open the link.

After the link is opened and you are redirected to a Linkvertise page, you will need to complete the following steps:

If a message "Please validate that you are not a robot" appears when opening the link, check the reCAPTCHA box "I'm not a robot". You may have to select some images if requested! After that, follow the steps below. If this message doesn't appear, simply go to the steps.

  1. Wait 5 seconds and click Free Access with Ads. Attention! Do NOT click Direct Access with Premium, just click Free Access with Ads to be able to download the content for free. You don't need to purchase this add-on!
  2. To complete the Free Access steps, click on "Discover articles" and click the close button (X). After clicking, the second count will start and you must wait for 10 seconds. After completing the second count, click the close button (X) again.
  3. Once the article pop-up is closed, just click on Continue. And then, download the Add-on via Mediafire!

Installing the add-on

After downloading the add-on, follow the steps on how to install it in your game:

MCADDON: if you downloaded a .mcaddon file, simply click over the file to open Minecraft and install the Behavior Pack and Resource Pack automatically. Note: If your browser downloaded this file named "", rename this file by removing the ".zip" before clicking on it.

ZIP: if you downloaded a .zip file, you have to install manually by extracting the zip and pasting the folders in their correct directories. The folder named BP_MobDisguisesAddon must be pasted into (\games\com.mojang\behavior_packs), while the folder named RP_MobDisguisesAddon must be pasted into (\games\com.mojang\resource_packs).

Enabling the add-on

After installing the add-on, to activate in the world just activate the resource within your Resource Packs, then the behavior will be activated together. Or activate the behavior within your Behavior Packs, then the resource will be activated together.

Enable the Holiday Creator Features option in the world Experiments section for this add-on to work!



If you want to review/make a video about this content, don't use your own link, nor use the direct download link via Mediafire. Use the proper link from this page! You are authorized to shorten this link, which should be redirected to this official add-on page.

You cannot publish this add-on on any page, unless that page is only to describe the add-on (perhaps translating the add-on description into another language for those living in your country) and, to download, redirect the user to this page. It is also prohibited to publish my add-on on any application!


Topic starter Posted : 16/03/2021 5:57 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 07/03/2023 6:17 pm