More Camera Perspectives - Best Camera Add-on [Multiplayer Update]
As you know Minecraft only has three Camera Perspectives, which is good but not enough, So I made this mod which adds some new usefull & interesting Camera Perspectives into the Minecraft,
This Add-on If Very User Friendly, works with other addons and perfectly works for all device players i.e., mobile players, pc players, etc,
This add-on is fully compatible with Multiplayer, so you can enjoy this with your friends together,
This mod also doesn't add any new item to the game and No Experimental Features are needed, so you can enjoy full vanilla like experience.
All camera perspectives are customisable, so you can change things accordingly!
-: How It Works :-
- After activating this pack, all you need to do is just take a normal Stick, and hold it in your hand and use it, (long press on the screen/right click)

Note:- There is no change with stick, you can use it for all other purposes such as Attacking or crafting.
- When you use the Stick this interface will open

- Here you can select the camera perspectives that you want to.

-:About Camera Perspectives:-
There are a lot of camera perspectives to choose from
- First of all, top 3 are very useful in-game camera perspectives, such as:
- 1) First Person [Changes camera to first person]

- 2) Third Person Back [Changes camera to third person back]

- 3) Third Person Front [Changes camera to third person front]

- And finally there are several new camera perspectives which are very usefull and interesting, such as...
- Dynamic Third Person Perspectives [Improves the third person camera and makes it dynamic, there are multiple dynamic TTPs]

- Custom Dynamic TPT [This is the newly added feature, with the help of this you will be able to create your own Custom Dynamic TPP]
- Follow Cam [Very useful for making crazy cinematic shots, very cool camera perspective], Basically camera get's placed in a certain location where you want and then Camera will focus on player.

- Place Camera here [You can place the camera where ever you look, with a single click]

- Top-down/Maze View [Sub me on YT]

- X-ray Underground [You can see what's underground, very helpful in finding underground caves, structures, etc]

- Watchtower View [Very helpful in finding structures, biomes and other things, it will improve your adventure experience]

- Isometric Camera {4 Different Types} [Makes the camera isometric, a popular camera perspective used in video games]

- Dimetric Camera {4 Different Types} [Makes the camera dimetric]

- Trimetric Camera {4 Different Types} [Makes the camera trimetric]

- 2D View (SideView) {4 Different Types} [You know about this I bet ;)]

[Must try for better details & experience]
- etc......
Thank you soo much for visiting this page and considering this add-on, I hope you liked it, I will highly recommend you to try this for better understanding and kindly feel free to share any feedbacks or suggestions!
V3 [Huge Update]:-
- Completely Upgraded the whole structure,
- Made it completely Multiplayer Supported,
- Added customisation/settings to each camera perspective,
- Added new camera perspective called, Custom Dynamic TPP,
- Now you can create your own Custom Dynamic TPP,
- Stability, optimization & bugs fixes..
- Download fixes: now it's very easy to download the file.
- It's an zip file, it contains the mcpack file (for more please read Readme.txt file inside the zip file).
Download Pack