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MCPE/Bedrock Plumsnail's Coins Add-on (16x, 32x)

Illustrious Member Admin

Plumsnail's Coins Add-on (16x, 32x)


Hello everybody!  In this addon I have added four types of coins that you can trade with the villagers.  This addon also has two resolutions: 16x and 32x.  These coins can be obtained in two ways: barter with the villagers or make them on the crafting table using special coin molds!

How to get your first coins?

You can get your first coins only by trading with villagers.  They do not fall out of mobs and do not fall into chests.

Villager trading

Wandering trader

Wandering trader, in turn, performs the role of a coin exchanger, and he also continues to trade various goods from vanilla minecraft.

Wandering trader

Forms for coins

It is also impossible to make these forms on your own.  They can only be bought from a wandering trader for a small price.  (Shown in spoiler above)

New nuggets


Addon added two new types of nuggets, which for some reason are not in vanilla minecraft.  Such as a copper nugget and a netherite nugget.  They can be made on the crafting table from one ingot of the necessary material, or vice versa, you can make an ingot from nine nuggets.

Coins crafting

Coins can be created on the crafting table or in the character's inventory if you make the necessary shape and a nugget from the necessary material. 




The addon contains two resolutions.



Coins in the form of a snail are a bonus.  This bonus is only 16x

Bonus (Snail coins 16x)

Please, if you find any errors or bugs, please let me know in an affordable way!  ❤ Also, if you are not satisfied with the prices of the villagers, let me know, I will fix it.


This addon has two localizations: English(US) and Ukrainian. Russian is not supported.

Select version for changelog:




Download a behavior pack and one of your choice of texture packs (each containing a bonus).  Open both packages using explorer.

After the files are loaded into minecraft, when creating or editing the world, add the behavior pack and the resource pack to it.  Enjoy!

Topic starter Posted : 08/01/2023 4:07 pm