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MCPE/Bedrock Tameable Mob Addon

Illustrious Member Admin

Tameable Mob Addon


This addon will make some mob tameable and you can ride it after taming.

This addon allows you to tame and heal mob such as wither, spider, witch and much more.


This addon has tested on Minecraft 1.16.0.


Experimental gameplay is not required.


Features :


1) Tamed mob will become friendly and they also follow you.

2) Some tamed mob will help you fight when you get hurt or hit someone.

3) Ride it by using saddle.

4) Leash mob.

5) Attach chest on mob.

6) Heal mob by using bread/golden apple/enchanted apple


7) You can use the command /function tamelist to find the list of tameable mob


How to Tame Mob


1) Cave Spider (Tame with spider eye)

2) Spider (Tame with spider eye)

3) Husk (Tame with rotten flesh)

4) Zombie (Tame with rotten flesh)

5) Drowned (Tame with rotten flesh)

6) Ravager (Tame with diamond)

7) Witch (Tame with glass bottle)

8) Skeleton (Tame with bone)

9) Stray (Tame with bone)

10) Wither Skeleton (Tame with bone)


11) Iron Golem (Tame with iron nugget)

12) Snow golem (Tame with snowball)

13) Shulker (Tame with shulker shell)

14) Silverfish (Tame with apple)

15) Endermite (Tame with apple)

16) Vindicator (Tame with iron axe)

17) Pillager (Tame with crossbow)

18) Guardian (Tame with prismarine shard)

19) Elder Guardian (Tame with prismarine shard)

20) Evoker (Tame with emerald)

21) Wither (Tame with netherstar)

22) Creeper (Tame with gunpowder)

23) Hoglin (Tame with raw/cooked porkchop)

24) Zoglin (Tame with raw/cooked porkchop)


25) Piglin (Tame with gold nugget)

26) Piglin brute (Tame with gold nugget)

27) Blaze (Tame with blaze powder)



1) Link Updated

2) Added command /function tamelist to find list of tameable mob




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Note: If you are having issues on importing ,delete the previous addon



Topic starter Posted : 14/03/2021 5:23 pm