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MCPE/Bedrock The Little Things *Uncrafted* [Realms Support]

Illustrious Member Admin

The Little Things *Uncrafted* [Realms Support]


The Little Thins addon adds over 100 recipes to uncraft those little mistakes when you just happen to craft a few to many items! The Little Things works on SERVERS, REALMS and SINGLE PLAYER worlds! Now usable on realms!!


The Little Things has been updated!!!

Now usable on realms!


It now adds adds 100+ recipes  to “UNCRAFT” your over crafting mistakes back into their base components!!


Craft to many walls? Not a problem!

Just craft them back into the blocks you used to make them!

Craft trapdoors back into planks!

Doors too!

Now you can craft your wool into string!

Or Quartz blocks back into Nether Quartz!


Some of the recipes include:




  • Slabs to Blocks
  • Walls to Blocks
  • Doors to Blocks
  • Buttons to Blocks
  • Pressure Plates to Blocks
  • Trapdoors to Blocks
  • Clay Block to Clay Ball
  • Quartz Block to Nether Quartz
  • Leather Armor to Leather




  • Iron Bars to Nuggets
  • Iron Doors to Ingots Iron
  • Trapdoors to Ingots






  • Glass to Sand
  • Diamond Armor to Diamond



The Little Things addon only adds recipes for Vanilla Minecraft blocks and items, it does not add any new blocks of features to your worlds!

The Little Things addon can even be added to existing worlds!

Have an item that you craft to many of that is not in the pack? Then comment below and it just might get added in the next release! 


The Little Things works on all Bedrock SERVERS, REALMS and SINGLE PLAYER worlds! It also works on all platforms! So you and all of your friends don’t have to worry about crafting to many of an item!


  • You are allowed to used The Little Things addon in addon packs if credit is given to SyKo!
  • You are not allowed to repost The Little Things Addon to MCBedrock or another hosting site!
  • You are not allowed to duplicate or modify The Little Things Addon!



Updated the little things addon to allow Minecraft Bedrock Realms support



Install by opening The Little Things MCPACK file and adding it in the behavior pack settings of your world!

creator: SyKoSoFi


Topic starter Posted : 05/01/2021 9:05 pm