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MCPE/Bedrock Wild Ravagers Add-on

Illustrious Member Admin

Wild Ravagers Add-on

Would you like to see the Ravagers in their natural state? Well, if the answer is yes, then this is the add-on for you, unless of course you thought they would be docile and cute farm animals.


I have relied on bulls for the biomes of this mob so they can be found in plains and savannas.

As they do not have armor they are faster than the Ravager of the illagers but they are also weaker and less aggressive, in fact you will have to be looking for a fight within 10 blocks of one for it to chase you and escaping from it will be easy, unless you have sad running skills.

  • Health: 80
  • Damage: 18

They will spawn during the day and are not tameable or breedable (maybe in the future they will be), also they will not attack other mobs that are not players, they are actually very beautiful and peaceful animals just a little territorial.




Enter to the link and don't worry, although I use Linkvertise you will not have to activate any notifications, just watch the articles pop-up for 15 seconds and that's it.

Once the .zip is downloaded, rename it and leave .mcaddon as the file extension, open it and Minecraft will do the rest.

Remember not to click or touch any of the ads.

Ingresa al enlace y no te preocupes, aunque uso Linkvertise no tendrás que activar ninguna notificación, sólo mira los artículos emergentes durante 15 segundos y listo.

Una vez descargado el .zip, cámbiale el nombre y deja .mcaddon como la extensión del archivo, ábrelo y Minecraft hará el resto.

Recuerda no dar clic ni tocar ninguno de los anuncios.

Do not republish this addon as your own or modify it’s contents without my consent. If you are going to review or publish this add-on elsewhere, don't make your own links, use the link to MCBedrockand always give credit to me, you can find my social media and channels on my profile.



Topic starter Posted : 28/08/2020 10:42 pm