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MCPE/Bedrock Vanilla RTX Normals

Illustrious Member Admin

Vanilla RTX Normals


Vanilla RTX Normals is PBR resource pack for Minecraft RTX that provides quality PBR maps & fog configurations on top of vanilla game without altering vanilla experience.

Vanilla RTX Normals takes full advantage of per-pixel MERs, which define Metallic/Emissive/Roughness for each block to give them maximum possible detail with both heightmaps & normal maps existing as separate subpacks.
All blocks that exist in Vanilla game are covered in this pack.

Vanilla RTX Normals allows you to experience Minecraft with Ray tracing with Vanilla Textures at their best, all of values for metallic/emissive/roughness have little & big details, Vanilla RTX Normals is regularly updated both to add new blocks & improve the look of existing ones, there are also several other smaller packs that will allow you to change certain aspects of Vanilla RTX Normals.

Wild Update RTX

More 1.19 screenshots

Caves & Cliffs

image credit markom58



Glowing Ores patch:

Clear Water patch:

How to Switch Subpacks:

⚠IMPORTANT⚠: If you want to use 16x Normal Maps you will need to switch through the pack settings menu


License: Everyone is free to do anything they like with Vanilla RTX Normals (Videos, Screenshot, Modification for personal use, redistribute or use in your own projects in any way) as long as they provide a link to at least one of sources, which is mainly here or Vanilla RTX Normals  GitHub. You will only need to link a source when you are in some way redistributing files created by me, it's not necessary to provide source for things like video or screenshot which don't include redistribution of files created or edited by me. (More information on GitHub)

⚠ Frequently Asked Questions / Common problems & solutions


Q: Why Vanilla RTX Normals has 2 Subpacks? what's different?

A: The two subpacks use different types of PBR maps, Normals subpack uses 16x normal maps to simulates curvature on a surface and how light should bounce off it. Heightmaps subpack uses 16x heightmaps which are later converted to 128x normals to simulate depth on a flat surface.

Q: How can I edit pack?

A: You may still want to edit some parts of it or create your own ray tracing capable resource pack according to your personal preferences, in that case you can read official documentations to get required information (It's easy!) / Nvidia / Microsoft Docs (Official Ray Tracing Info & PBR Documentations) 

Q: How do I use patches; do I have to download all of them?

A: They are totally optional smaller packs that allows you to change certain aspects of Vanilla RTX Normals, but since these changes aren't fully Vanilla, they are included in separate packs, names of each one should tell what they do, e.g Glowing ores makes ores Glow, you only need the base pack.

Problem: Glowing Ores patch textures look weird/not like the rest of pack
Solution: Make sure you are using the right subpack, use normal maps with normal maps subpack (& heightmaps with heightmaps) to keep textures consistent when using patches.

Problem: Game is not switching between subpacks (Heightmaps/Normals)

Solution: Activate pack in Global Settings & make sure to restart game after switching packs, sometimes it might take multiple attempts.

Problem: Textures aren't loading in, everything is glossy/pack isn't working.
Solution: Make sure pack is not activated in World Settings (and it is activated in Global Settings instead), also make sure nothing else is overriding Vanilla RTX Normals in resource pack settings, also make sure ray tracing is enabled before you join the world.
Update: 1.7.0 should solve this issue.

Problem: I've encountered a visual glitch/bug.
Solution: It is most likely a game bug, find the full list here (& maybe vote for them): Minecraft RTX Bug List -

Q: Where can I find older versions of packs?

A: All files of all versions are achieved over at the Discord.

Select version for changelog:



Helpful usage tips & Information

  1. Vanilla RTX Normals Will not work with any Android/iOS device or Consoles
  2. Sometimes Switching between subpacks does not work in this case, you will need to restart game, sometimes several times. and if textures don't load at all try the following:
  3. If Textures aren't being loaded in game (or resource pack isn't working properly on a compatible device), activate pack in global resources instead, there's a problem with textures loading which affects some of devices if pack is activated in World settings.
  4. OTHER IMPORTANT NOTES: In latest versions of Minecraft, Mojang has completely forgotten about their subpack system which Vanilla RTX Normals uses in order to include both heightmaps & normals in one pack, the new world creation menu does not allow you to change subpacks & you'll have to use resource pack in global resource packs to be able to change subpacks. Another thing to mention is 99% of visual bugs you might encounter while playing are Minecraft-related.

If you still have trouble Downloading or Installing/using pack or you've faced other problems you can also visit the Discord Server & ask for help from others, or just comment here.

Topic starter Posted : 06/02/2021 2:24 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 01/08/2022 6:21 pm