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MCPE/Bedrock Human Skin Pack (v1.1)

Illustrious Member Admin

Human Skin Pack (v1.1)


Have you played my Human Addon? Have you ever wanted to use any of the human’s textures as a skin pack? Well now you can! This skin pack features every skin used so far in my Human Addon with more to come in the future.


If you’ve played my Human Addon or just been on the site, you probably recognize some of the skins in the thumbnail. All these skins come from my Human Addon and I thought it would be cool to let the players be able to use these skins.

ATTENTION- If you have downloaded an earlier version of this pack before- 

Update v1.1 released!

The latest update to the Human Skin Pack adds twelve new skins, four of each of the following professions– Cartographer, Collector and Oceanologist

First up is the eight classic Steve skins. One of the skins you cannot get on the Legacy Skin Pack on Bedrock, so this is essentially the complete collection all in one place. I figured I would add these anyway since they’re in the Human Addon.

Now onto the skins I created. all these skins are completely original and created by me. There’s eighteen professions of Humans, and four skins for each one, creating a total of 72 skins you can choose from. Here are all of them.


Lumberjack, Digger, Miner


Farmer, Fisherman, Shepherd


Armorsmith, Toolsmith, Weaponsmith



Enchanter, Librarian, Priest


Artist, Electrician, Stonemason



Cartographer, Collector, Oceanologist

That’s all of them! Expect this pack to be updated shortly after the Human Addon gets updated. I will probably change a few of them since not all of them look the best.

Lastly, if you haven’t checked out my Human Addon, you can find that page in the download links below. It’s my biggest addon yet and highly recommended!


Thanks for reading!




-added twelve new skins from the three new professions



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Topic starter Posted : 12/03/2021 11:22 am