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CubeMap Test Shader

Active Member
Important: Read carefully before downoad and use!

CrisXolt presents:

Custom CubeMap Shader


What is the Custom CubeMap Shader?

It's a modified shaders which aims to improve a bit of the use of cubemap in MC Bedrock. Turning normal cubemap into something similar as custom sky in MC Java Edition (Using MCPatcher or OptiFine). It is all you should know. ;D


  • Fixed cubemap Y position for most sky textures.
  • Tree cubemap textures in one image file, one for Day/Noon, other for Sunset, and finally, Night/Midnight.
  • Rotation of cubemap!
  • Compatible between Windows 10 and Android!






And now, what are you... Oh wait.

Before to download, you must realize and accept that:

  • If you are going to use it for a third-party resource pack, do it at your own risk as it is still experimental and beta, but for private use may be nice, i think. Just don't modify anything in the shader files, nobody will have authorization.
  • Don't republish this resource pack file in other pages without authorization.
  • If you are going to review this, you will have to leave the original forum link in the description, nothing else.
  • Known issues is: The sunset texture won't appear when you are in third person (Only happens in Windows 10).

In conclusion about terms of use: You can use and modify what you want, just make sure it is for private / personal use! ;D

And now, try it! 😀

Filename: Custom CubeMap v1.2 By @CrisXolt.mcpack

For MC Bedrock version 1.14.x or newer (until Render Dragon appears!)



  1. First wait 5 seconds and then click on "Skip AD". Note: I'm sorry, but I do this to make sure I get support and continue to update my projects. D;
  2. After this, the Mediafire page will appear, click the download green button to get the file.
  3. Open .mcpack to launch Minecraft and import resource pack automatically.
  4. Settings > Global Resources > Apply the resource pack.
  5. Enjoy the Custom CubeMap!

Special Thanks:

ArgoMenor (@argo_menor) for original ideas!

Final note:

Seriously, those default shader files is made originally by Mojang and Microsoft, actually are modified by me for entertainment purposes.

Just enjoy and good luck ;D.

Topic starter Posted : 18/01/2020 8:55 pm