Minecraft LIVE 2021 Mob Vote | Glare Mob Details

11th October 2021
Minecraft News
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Vote for your favorite mob on October 16!

Minecraft Live is fast approaching and this year’s Mob Vote candidates are chomping at the bit. Well, I’m the one who keeps chomping at bits of sandwiches, none of the mobs have any chomping mechanics. But they all have lots of other fancy skills and today we will be taking a closer look at the dark-sourcing glare

The glare is not only super cute, but it also helps you out a lot. It hates – HATES – the darkness. Who doesn’t?! But besides being super relatable, it will also show you areas that are dark enough for monsters to spawn. It does so by flying to dangerously dark areas and then throwing a hissy fit. With the glare by your side, you’ll know that each tantrum will not only lead to me turning this car right back around, but also possibly monsters! Aaaargh! 

I tried to dig up some more information about this little broody baby, so I willed a power outage to happen and waited for the glare to come find me. 

For the last time, you’re not allowed to play with the wiring.


Turns out that the third hundredth time’s not the charm, since I was met by a very patient person rather than a disgruntled defender. But when I explained the situation to Eliza as she was escorting me out of the office, I realized that the glare couldn’t have flown in because they haven’t been voted in. Foiled by darkness and electricity, once again. But the next time I get out my wire cutters, there is a one in three chance that I won’t be the only grouch in the dark!  

Do you want the glare to join Minecraft? Cast your vote on Twitter during this year’s Minecraft Live on October 16! The festivities start at noon EDT, and you can read all about this year’s show at Minecraft.net/live

Allay Mob Details: https://www.mcbedrock.com/2021/10/12/minecraft-live-2021-mob-vote-allay-mob-details/

Copper Golem Details: https://www.mcbedrock.com/2021/10/13/minecraft-live-2021-mob-vote-copper-golem-mob-details/

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